Now I'm back again, after this long (it felt long for me)
holiday. Yes, I had holiday, but not because I wanted (those who know me can imagine that I wouldn't take holiday in this time pressure) but because my body needed. And it didn't even ask me if I wanted or not, it just took its holiday, getting also my mind with it. Or maybe it asked giving me some signs and I ignored. So, that was it, although I planned to stay alone in Christmas holiday to work on my project, what I had was bed, bed, bed.
I'm renewed now! And fresh like a .... an orange juice (continuing with my vitamin C) and bringing some ideas to close and finish at last the layout.
On Monday, the 22nd, while I was still sane, I separated some pages I really really like to find the reason why I liked especially those pages. So, although I didn't find the answer yet, I nevertheless separated and highlighted parts of those. These
edited pages will be shown in the main navigation of the website (reminding: the other kind of navigation will have all the pages) in order to show:
- good examples to make clear the aim
- there are people in and from different parts of the world
- different kinds of technique were used: drawing/ written word / gluing / painting
- different ways to answer the question (by points, abstract/play, routine, journey of life)
So, the edited content will show the "best" examples of the range of all kinds of testimonies.
But what came to my mind while half sleep one of these days was that
instead of showing (in this navigation) the entire page, I will show some highlights like these for example:
- "It was hard to begin everything over again, but I've learned that life is just like that. One day we are in Pará (Brazilian state) eating açaí fruit, the other we are in Rio eating açaí fruit with banana."
- "I think I left a piece of me somewhere"
- "A few stupid jokes that people smile just out of politeness, except my friends who totally humiliate me."
- "I'm not sure what I left behind since those things had already changed since the time I came to UK, and they won't be there when I go back anymore. So... did I left them behind?"
- "I left behind what was familiar and secure"
- "time is the thing I have left and the thing I will leave behind"
- "Thank you for asking"
At the background, there will be the video of my hand drawing the "nomads map", taking out the national borders (remember that video?) and
when I go to another point to draw another border line, a piece of the page will appear. It will be shown either by the image and also by spoken voice (in some cases).
Difficult to imagine? I confused your mind? I'll show a sketch of the layout here soon.
PS: Back to the topic of holiday. A tip for anyone who is crazily working on a project and a reminder for myself: if it's Christmas holiday, if it's your birthday, if you have a family's dinner, a wedding to go..... whatever it's important, go, take the time, enjoy it, because even if in your mind (workaholic mind) don't think it's a big deal to miss this only event and just for this time you prefer to work, your body will feel it and it'll do whatever it wants. And usually the body gets the mind too. So, wanting the break or not, you will have it. It's better to enjoy it.