18 December 2008

Categorizing the data

At the moment I gave a step backwards in terms of layout of the website and I am taking a close look (I mean: very close look) at the content of the notebooks and trying to categorize them and take highlights.
Thumbnails of the pages of the notebooks glued in my Sketch book. The thumbnails are to guide me and for me to take notes and the whole page of the notebook I see on screen.

Total of testimonies/people: 130
Pages divided per persons/ testimonies:

Written word = 80 (Handwritten: 64 / Computer: 16)
Drawing = 6
Written + Drawing = 29
Written + Collage = 13
Written + Collage + Drawing = 2

I was really surprised to see so many writing printed (typed in computer and glued in the notebook). As in many has the signature of the person, they were there and chose to type it.
Languages used:

Portuguese= 58
English= 56
None (drawing/abstract image)= 8
French= 2
Spanish= 2
Dutch= 1
German= 1

Because I sent the notebooks to friends and friends of friends, I sent many to people I knew from Brazil that are in different parts of the world, and also a few books to Brazil. So, I got a high number of Portuguese. In most of the cases, though, people wrote in English, even though their mother language was different.
Testimonies divided by its content (each testimony can fit in one or more aspects):

Points = 71
(when the person mentions points/items/things that he/she left behind. Like a list.)

Journey of life = 41
(when the person tells the way their lives went, what they have passed through to be in this point in life)

Questioning/thoughts = 23
(the ones that speaks about the question itself, mentioning what for them is to leave something behind, why to look back, etc)

Day-by-day = 21
(when you can get a feeling of how is or was the routine/day-by-day of that person. Small ordinary moments of everyday life.)

Abstract/play = 21
(when the person plays with the answer more than merely answering or when he/she makes an abstract image in the page)

Well, I divided in this way from what I got reading the testimonies all together. I am still working on it and, as suggested by my tutor, think in terms of "time" as well, if the matter of time is something strong in the testimonies.

I thought it was surprising the number of people that talked about the question itself, and also the way some did it. I think the question, because it is very personal, might have touched some people in specific points, maybe. Anyhow, the question was quite provocative for some (16% of the participants).

I think the aspects are most interesting in my opinion for this project are the ones who talks about their everyday lives (that we get a sense of how their routine are or were) and the ones that tells about their journeys of life, which makes us see how they got here, in this point of life. These two aspects were the ones I wanted to get in the first place. So to formulate the question I thought the best way was to ask about the past, as we can see more clearly - although sometimes romanticized - the most important things and the things that influenced us and makes us what we are now.

At this time I'm reading "The poetics of Space", by the french philosopher Gaston Bachelard, recommended by my tutor in the last tutorial.

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