1 December 2008

Highlights of the notebooks

Highlights from the notebooks that keeps in my mind after reading it, that somehow gets my attention. Therefore, it influences (direct or indirect) this project.

I'll keep updating this session.

"(...) after this experience, reading a book by Amyr Klink, there is one quote that called my attention because it summarizes everything I've passed through and what I think of my experience: '(...) a man needs to travel. By his own means, not by stories, images, books or TV. By his own, with his eyes and feet, to understand what he is. To some day plant his own trees and give them some value. To know the cold to enjoy the heat. To feel the distance and lack of shelter to be well under his own ceiling. A man needs to travel to places he doesn't know to break this arrogance that makes us see the world as we imagine it, and not simply as it is or may be. That makes us teachers and doctors of what we have never seen, when we should just be learners, and simply go see it.' - Amyr Klink" (Text translated from portuguese). >> Many thanks for sharing this, Marcela! :)

"It was hard to begin everything again, but I've learned that life is like that. One day we are in Pará eating Açaí fruit, the other we are in Rio eating Açaí with banana." (translated from the portuguese: "Foi difícil recomeçar tudo de novo, mas aprendi que a vida é assim mesmo. Um dia estamos no Pará comendo açaí, no outro estamos no Rio comendo açaí com banana.")

"I'm not sure what I left behind since these things had already changed since the time I came to UK, and they won't be there when I come back anymore. So... did I left them behind?"

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